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Basta Computing Horas v6.1
[ ] 01.11.2010, 19:25

Современный мир становится все более связанным. События в мире, ведение бизнеса, связь с семьей и друзьями происходит на международном уровне. Программа Horas - это часы мира, которая поможет вам следить за временем в различных городах, показывая несколько часов на рабочем столе. Horas имеет много полезных функций, и тем не менее, она очень проста в использовании. Если вы профессионал, любитель или компьютерный новичок, вы найдете в Horas неоценимую помощь.

* Automatic adjustment of your computer clock.
* Automatic adjustment of daylight saving changes.
* Time converter.
* Time zone browser.
* Calendar with a time range calculator.
* Swatch Internet Time support.
* Time zone and server data updating from the Internet.
* Transparent, textured, and daylight background styles.
* Many clock styles including analog, digital, roman, barcode, etc.
* Many date and time format options.
* Foreign language scripts support.
* Vertical and horizontal clock alignment.
* Can dock and auto-hide like a toolbar.
* Can stay on top of other application windows.
* Scaleable display to look good at all sizes.
* Simple appearance to economize resources consumption.
* Does not waste desktop or taskbar space.
* Compliant until year 10000.
* The installer includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the software. It will automatically select the version matching your system.
* Unicode software with regional settings support.
* Does not include adware, spyware, or any other malware technologies.
* Scanned prior to publication to ensure that it is free of viruses.
* Digitally signed with an Authenticode certificate to ensure its integrity and authenticity.
* Packaged using an MSI Windows native and compliant installer.

Новое в версии 6.1:
* Improved the user interface of the hot key options section.
* Forced all but the clocks window to open within the desktop. This prevents Horas windows from opening partially or totally outside the desktop after reducing the display resolution.
* Stopped listing undefined hot keys in the startup notification message.
* Started displaying the startup notification message when Horas starts visible.

Размер: 3 Mb
ОС: 2000/XP/Vista/7
Интерфейс: English
Таблэтка: присутствует}

Скачать|Download Basta Computing Horas v6.1

Категория: утилиты бесплатно | Добавил: admin
Просмотров: 653 | Загрузок: 653 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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